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Revolution from a Farmer’s Perch

Arab Media & Society | January 15, 2017


Pressurized Conflict Laid Bare in Clash

Arab Media & Society | August 28, 2016


How Innovation Helped Egyptian Omar Samra

Climb the Seven Summits

MIT Technology Review | July 10, 2015


In the grounds of a Cairo priory, a vast repository of Islam

The National | July 5, 2015


Egypt’s Poet of the People

The New York Times | November 7, 2012


Rap Group at the Leading Edge of Egyptian Rebellion

The New York Times | April 6, 2012


A Loud Voice for Egyptian Resistance Movement

The New York Times | January 11, 2012


Making the Life of a Modern Nomad Into Literature

The New York Times | January 4, 2012


Surgeon Using Parody to Dissect the News in Egypt

The New York Times | April 28, 2011


Fearless Egyptian Author Both Jubilant and Cautious

The New York Times | March 9, 2011


Spread the Word

Egypt Today | March 2006


Simon Shaheen

Egypt Today | April 2005


Alaa Al Aswany

Egypt Today | August 2004


Soul Searching

Egypt Today | May 2004


What Lies Beneath

Egypt Today | December 2003


Mapping the Nation’s Treasures

Egypt Today | December 2003

Black Humor in Dark Times

World Press Review | June 19, 2003


La télé égyptienne s’invite en Israël

Courrier International | January 10, 2003


Cloistered Gem

Egypt Today | November 2002


Spin Unspun

World Press Review | September 26, 2002


Voyage through Time ­— a walk to the Nobel Prize and beyond

The Daily Star | March 11, 2002


The confiscated king

Cairo Times | January 12–17, 2002


The Oud Makers

Egypt Today | June 2001


Egyptian violin virtuoso charms Western audiences

Reuters | March 26, 2001


Puppets with an Attitude

Egypt Today | December 2000


Noha, part IV

Alive | July 1999


Noha, part III

Alive | June 1999


Noha, part I and II

Alive | May 1999


Building Leaders

Egypt Today | May 1999


Islamic Ceramics

Egypt Today | January 1999


Onward and Upward?

Egypt Today | September 1998

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